This article provides a step-by-step procedure on how to install a SendIT App 1.6 instance on a customer's machine.
This will be performed under the following cases:
- IT: Support - Request (if the customer is requesting additional SendIT App Instances i.e. in new or backup machines)
- IT: Support - Incident (if the application needs re-installation)
- IT: Implementation (as part of Customer OnBoarding scenarios)
This is specific to version 1.6 of the SendIT Application. This article is limited to the installation of the base application. For any add on or additional configuration, refer to the appendices for procedures related to the required components.
The following are prerequisites for installing a new instance of SendIT App:
You may pre-setup a database in your local machine that is already setup to use the Customer's account number. This will help reduce risks in terms of typographical errors if doing the install without pre-setup.
Depending on the requirements by using the IT Deployment and Technical Verification Checklist, the application configuration may differ. Please refer to the appendices for installing/configuring additional components.
For installing the base application: