Note |
Interested in Integrating?Contact your Account Manager. We will setup professional Consultation Services to find out which integration is right for you, and how you can optimize your despatch process. |
Knowing which Integration is right for you.
| What is it? | Benefits | Source System: Key Requirements |
OneFlo Order Lookup Image Added
| Insert excerpt |
| OneFlo Order Lookup - Import Orders |
| OneFlo Order Lookup - Import Orders |
| Simple Requirements from your ERP/WMS Scales from Basic Order Data to Complex SU/DG arrangements
| Must be able to provide Order Level (Order Number, Receiver Details) Information. Item (Shipping Unit) information is optional but will help facilitate faster consigning.
CCI IntegrationCCI | Import Completed Consignment Integration |
CCI | Import Completed Consignment Integration |
| Manage Consignment & label Generation
generation out of your WMS/3PL Allows for a seamless integration between WMS/3PL and OneFlo
| Must be able to Produce 100% Accurate Consignment and Item information. Must be capable of Generating Carrier Compliant Labels Must be capable of storing and using provided consignment ranges per carrier
Image RemovedSOAP API Web Service CallsSOAP API Web Service Calls | Create Consignment - Restful API | | Create Consignment - Restful API |
| Perfect for an END to END solution out of a ERP/WMS that contains Order and SU data. Does not require ERP/WMS to maintain or generate carrier relevant data. Excellent for managing large consignment volumes. Partial OneFlo use optional i.e. Consignments created Automatically, w/manifesting process being manual, to allow for quality control.
SOAP documentation Consignments Consignment Volume (per day) | |
Chart |
orientation | horizontal |
columns | col,val |
forgive | false |
legend | false |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | xyBar |
colors | #2255aa |
3D | true |
bgColor | #fffffff |
width | 180 |
categoryLabelPosition | 0 |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 500 |
height | 60 |
col | val |
1 | 100 |
Image Added | |
Yellow Chart |
orientation | horizontal |
columns | col,val |
forgive | false |
legend | false |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | xyBar |
colors | #ffcc00 |
showShapes | false |
bgColor | #fffffff |
width | 250 |
categoryLabelPosition | 0 |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 1000 |
height | 60 |
col | val |
1 | 500 |
Image Added | |
Greenchart Image Added |
orientationcol | val |
1 | 2000 |
Status |
horizontal | columns | col,val |
forgive | false |
legend | false |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | xyBar |
colors | #22aa33 |
showShapes | false |
bgColor | #fffffff |
width | 250 |
categoryLabelPosition | 0 |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 5000 |
height | 60 |
col | val |
1 | 5000 |
Customer IT Skills Chart |
orientation | horizontal |
columns | col,val |
forgive | false |
legend | false |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
type | xyBar |
colors | #212121 |
showShapes | false |
bgColor | #fffffff |
width | 250 |
categoryLabelPosition | 0 |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 5000 |
height | 60 |
Image Added |
IT Capability and Resourcing Required | | | |
Yellow | |
Customisation and Flexibility | | |
YellowBlue |
Leverage OneFlo Features (AutoPrint, Least Cost Routing, Carrier Compatibility) | | | | |