Error Message (as response from MyToll) | Category | Why does this occur? | How to Fix this Booking | |
‘Booking Booking Contact Email can not be empty or null.’ | Pickup Details – Contact | The booker doesn’t have a configured email address in the system. | Resubmit the booking with a valid pickup contact email address. | |
‘Phone number length is greater than 10.’ | Pickup Details – Contact | There is an invalid phone number provided on the contact details. | Resubmit the booking with a valid pickup contact phone number. It must be a 10 character Australian Phone number (03 1234 5678 or 0400 123 456). | |
‘Invalid Invalid Special Chars in Sender address line 1.’ | Pickup Details – Contact | There are invalid characters in the Sender or Receiver or Booker detail (Name, Address Lines, Contact Name). This might occur for addresses or names that have an apostrophe (') like O’Brien, O'Callaghan. | Resubmit the booking with only English characters in the text. For names with apostrophes, please drop the apostrophe. | |
204: The Pickup Contact Phone Number must be 10 characters long. Enter a phone number preceded by the STD area code OR a mobile number -#########’######### | Pickup Details – Contact | The number (######## is the number provided by the requestor) is invalid. | Resubmit the booking with a valid pickup contact phone number. Long term: It’s more likely that it’s based on the phone number that you have on file. | ‘Invalid Please correct it by going to Update My Details: |
Invalid Booking Contact email address. Please provide valid email address.’ | Pickup Details – Contact | The booker doesn’t have a configured email address in the system. | Resubmit the booking with a pickup contact email address. | |
‘Invalid Invalid Largest Item.’ | Pickup Details – Packaging | Check to make sure that the consignment/packing details provided is valid for the Service selected. This typically occurs for Toll Priority Satchel services where the item to be shipped was declared as a Carton. | Create a new booking request for the service/truck you expect to pickup. | |
‘Weight Weight entered is more than the Maximum allowed limit0.5X supported for the selected service.’X can be 0.5, 1, 3, 5 | Pickup Details – Packaging | The booker/pickup requester booked a service that exceeded the limits of the service.
| Create a new booking for a pickup request with updated packaging information or select a different service. | |
‘length length cannot be in decimal.’‘widthwidth cannot be in decimal.’‘heightheight cannot be in decimal.’ | Pickup Details – Packaging | The booker did not enter dimensions for the shipping item. This is more likely occurring in 3rd party systems but not in OneFlo because OneFlo doesn’t allow zero dimensions. | Create a new booking for a pickup request with updated packaging information or select a different service. | |
Pickup time is post cutOffTime.’ | Toll Pickup Rules | The pickup requested is past the pickup cutoff time for that service on that location. | Resubmit the booking for the next available business day. If this shipment is urgent, please call efm Customer Service. If this error occurs often, our recommendation is to modify your default ReadyAt and CloseAt times by advising your efm Account Manager. Please consult your efm Account Manager for the Toll prescribed Pickup Cutoff time. If in doubt, Toll’s default standard pickup cut off is at 15:00 local time. | |
‘Dispatch Dispatch Date cannot be Past Date or date greater than 7 days from today.’ | Toll Pickup Rules | The pickup requested is in the past or is more than 7 days from today. | Please resubmit the booking with a valid pickup date/time or use the following business day. If this shipment is urgent, please call efm Customer Service. | |
‘Dispatch Dispatch date cannot beweekend’weekend | Toll Pickup Rules | The pickup requested is in the a weekend or holiday. | Please resubmit the booking with a valid pickup date/time or use the following business day. If this shipment is urgent, please call efm Customer Service. | |
‘Service Service Code is invalid.’ | Toll/efm Configuration | This is a system configuration issue. If you’re booking for Toll Fast (Courier), unfortunately, MyToll (and Toll Online) don’t support pickup request integrations. | Please reach out to your efm Account Manager. | |
'Account is not in approve account list.' | Toll/efm Configuration | This is a set up issue. | Please reach out to your efm Account Manager. | |
'Service Code is not allowed for B2B Booking.' | Toll/efm Configuration | This is a system configuration issue. | Please reach out to your efm Account Manager. | |
Booking Party Contact phone number is not a valid Phone number. | Pickup Details - Contact | The number provided is invalid. It may contain alphabets. MyToll only accepts numeral for the phone number | Resubmit Please resubmit the booking with a valid phone number. | |
Dispatch Time can not be before or beyond site opening or closing time. | Toll Pickup Rules | The Ready At time (Pickup Time) provided is after the Closing Time (CloseAt). | Please resubmit the booking with a valid pickup date/time. | |
Error Outage for Pickup or Carrier. | Toll System | Toll’s services are currently unavailable. | Please resubmit the booking. | |
UPS response is null. Cannot proceed further. | Toll System | Toll’s services are currently unavailable. | Please resubmit the booking. | |
Error occurred after connected Pickup to WM. | Toll System | Toll’s services are currently unavailable. | Please resubmit the booking. | |
com.wm.net.Net504Exception: [ISC.0064.9324] Server Error: Gateway Timeout | Toll System | Toll’s services are currently unavailable. | Please resubmit the booking. | |
Suburb ,post code and state combination is invalid. Please add a valid Receiver address. | Toll Pickup Rules | Toll doesn’t recognise the postcode provided. | Because this is a receiver data, please submit a new pickup request with a valid receiver information. You can’t modify Receiver data on failed pickup requests. | |
Length is 0Width is 0Height is 0 | Pickup Details – Packaging | The booker did not enter dimensions for the shipping item. This is more likely occurring in 3rd party systems but not in OneFlo because OneFlo doesn’t allow zero dimensions. | Create a new booking for a pickup request with updated packaging information or select a different service. | |
The date of the YYYY-MM-DD is a public holiday for the specified location | Toll Pickup Rules | The pickup requested is in the a weekend or holiday. | Please resubmit the booking with a valid pickup date/time or use the following business day. If this shipment is urgent, please call efm Customer Service. | |
80003 - Salesforce Business error Error from Salesforce: Pickup Date is not available due to a public holiday/Weekend, please book pickup against next working day. | Toll Pickup Rules | The pickup requested is in the a weekend or holiday. | Please resubmit the booking with a valid pickup date/time or use the following business day. If this shipment is urgent, please call efm Customer Service. | |
This service is currently not available online. Please contact 1300 108 382 to discuss your Same Day service requirements with our team. | Toll Pickup Rules | Toll doesn’t support online bookings for the service selected. | Please reach out to your efm Account Manager. | |
If you have other errors, please contact your efm Account Manager.