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SendIT – Freight Despatch Module Version 1.6

Register. If you are not able to get your registration key at this time, you can click Skip to continue, but you only have one month’s use of SendIT without registering the software.

Refer to Registration for more details.

NOTE: SendIT requires re-registering every 12 months.

Initial Setup is now complete! The final setup requirement is to configure your carriers (refer to Maintenance > Carriers.)

Reprinting Labels

Some or all labels for a consignment can be reprinted, as long as the consignment is still active (a consignment is no longer active in the system once that consignment has been included in a transfer file.)

To reprint all labels for a consignment, find the consignment, either through the search screen, or if it’s a recent consignment, you can scroll through the consignments using the previous or next buttons. Once the desired consignment has been found, click on the printer button.

To select individual labels to print, click on the Label button to open the Label Print form.

Type in the consignment number and you will receive a drop-down list of matching labels (there is a three-digit suffix on the consignment number representing the label number, i.e. 001 = label 1.) Select the start and end labels in the range you want to reprint, and click the Insert (single right-pointing arrow) button.

You can insert multiple ranges to the list. You can also remove items from the list by selecting them and clicking the Remove (single left-pointing arrow) button. You can clear the list by clicking the Remove All (double left-pointing arrows) button.

Once the desired labels have been selected, click the Print button to print the labels.


Select Reports from the main screen menu.

There are two four types of reports available:

  • The Daily Activity Log: This is a list of all SendIT activity for a specified day, and includes Log In/Out events, consignments added, modified, or deleted.
  • The Transaction List: Similar to the Manifest Report, except different criteria can be selected. There are 4 variations (Layouts) available as shown in the samples below.

The reports can either be viewed/printed, or exported to a csv file where the data can be loaded into another system, or manipulated using an application such as Microsoft Excel.

DG Report

Item Summary (or Detailed) Report

Multi-reference Report

Standard (or Basic) Report

There are two types of reports available:

  • The Daily Activity Log: This is a list of all SendIT activity for a specified day, and includes Log In/Out events, consignments added, modified, or deleted.
  • The Transaction List: Similar to the Manifest Report, except different criteria can be selected.

The reports can either be viewed/printed, or exported to a csv file where the data can be loaded into another system, or manipulated using an application such as Microsoft Excel.

Utility Features

Backup and Restore

To backup the main SendIT database, select Backup from the System menu of the main screen. This will create a backup of the main database, using a timestamp (ddmmyyhhmmss.bak) as the filename.

To restore the main database from a previous backup, select Restore from the System menu on the main screen. Enter the backup file timestamp of the backup you want to restore.


SendIT requires users to log into the system, and all activity by the user is logged. To use the security features of SendIT, all users should be given their own login, and the system administrator password changed.

To access SendIT security, select the Security menu from the main screen.

An existing user can be modified by selecting the user from the drop-down list, or a new user created by typing in a new name and details (NOTE: Names and User Ids must be unique.) To save changes, click on the Update button if modifying an existing user, or click the Add button if adding a new user. 

The UserID cannot be changed. This is because the ID is recorded on transactions and deleting the UserID would invalidate the data. The Name for a UserID can be changed. If a UserID is no longer required then it’s status  should be changed to inactive.

NOTE: Name, User Id, and Expiry Date are required. Be aware that some older computers will not accept a date beyond 31/12/2029, so a date of 31/12/2030 would be treated by the computer as 31/12/1930, and therefore SendIT will prevent access.

All users require a password. To set or change a password for a user, click on the Password (Pwd) button (NOTE: If you are creating a new user, you must save the user before you can set the password.)

Enter the old password (this will be blank for a new user), then type in and confirm the new password.

Any user can access the Change Password feature from the Change Password menu on the main screen.


Consignment entry in SendIT can be automated using its polling feature. This process monitors a specified folder for data files, and when they appear, it will load the file, creating consignments and printing labels automatically.

The polling process is a valuable time-saving feature of SendIT for customers that have their own system that records the basic detail required by SendIT for generating consignments. The customer enters the detail into their own system, then outputs the data to a text file, which SendIT then loads through the poll process to generate consignments and print labels. Refer to your SendIT supplied for customisation of the poll process to meet your needs.

To start the polling process, click the Poll Now menu on the main screen.

The accepted record count will be incremented with every record that is successfully processed. If the poll process cannot process a record (usually due to invalid data), the rejected counter will be incremented, and the record will need to be manually updated.

To manually update rejected entries, click the Rejected counter.

A list of rejected records will be displayed in the grid. To correct an entry, select the entry in the grid and modify the data in the form fields. A message detailing the reason for the rejection will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the form.


Some features of SendIT need to be pre-configured before installation. Other features can be modified from the application.

Printers and Paths

NOTE: The Label Printer setup has moved to Carrier Maintenance, so this section is now disabled.

Manifest Report Layout

Select the Report Printer and Manifest Report layout to be used as the default layout for Manifests.

NOTE: The printing module in SendIT is being replaced, so this section may be obsolete, depending on your version.

User Defined

Most features in the User Defined tab are pre-configured, so do not need to be changed.

The Label fields relate to the User Fields on the consignment screen. For example, if you wanted to record an order number in User Field 1, then set Label 1 to Order No (Order No will then appear on the consignment screen in place of User Field 1.)

The connote sequence is usually defined at carrier level, but if you have multiple carriers that share a common sequence, then those details are defined here.

Receiver Defaults

This tab sets the default values for new receivers, and specifies the behaviour of receiver details entered into the consignment screen.

Service and Charge To are now obsolete.

Minimum Search Characters represent the minimum number of characters entered into the Select field of the consignment and receiver screens before the system will start searching for receivers from the database. This is used to prevent the system from making unnecessary queries to the database.

When entering consignments, the default behaviour is to automatically add receivers to the database if they do not exist, and to ask the user if they want to update a receiver in the database if their address details have changed. This behaviour can be changed by selecting the appropriate options for Add and Update behaviour.

Data Entry

The consignment screen can be customised to meet the data entry requirements of the user. The Data Entry tab allows you to specify which fields are commonly used, and the tab order.

A value of 0 removes the field from the tab sequence (though it can still be access by the mouse.) A value of 1 is the first field in the tab sequence, 2 is the second, etc.

NOTE: If a user field is selected in the TAB sequence, then the field is mandatory.

The Configuration and Print Labels options are now obsolete.


The system tab is for information only – it specifies some of the pre-configured options in SendIT.


The Codes tab allows you to maintain a list of pre-defined delivery instructions. This list will appear in the Delivery Instructions drop-down list in the consignment screen.

To add a new entry, enter in the text and click Save.


Decommissioned: This tool is decommissioned. Support is limited and for historical customers only.

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SendIT – Freight Despatch Module Version 1.6


SendIT is our On-Premises application that allows for Consignment and Freight Management. While We still have some customers who require an On-Premises implementation, If you wish to learn more about migrating to OneFlo, please contact your Account Manager.

Move to OneFlo

There is actually minimal requirements from the customers side in the migration process. Commencing this would require minimal support in access to some files/ confirming users can access the expected web-page.

Benefits: - Why OneFlo?

  • Consign on all devices with internet access

    • Don't Consign in one Location, Consign anytime, anywhere

  • Being able to use the application on any device that can access a webpage, to process, monitor and manifest their consignments.

    • This will also allow us to greatly improve our ability to support the platform, being a web app it means we can support  the application far more effectively from our offices here.

  • Offers data security and integrity as all data is securely stored on EFM’s Database. (Currently split across numerous local files.)

    • This offers a significant reduction in Operational Risk

The steps on our side are

  • Collect the local SendIT Files, so we work on the configuration of OneFlo.

  • Collect example Order Lookup Files for configuration of the Integration.

  • Co-ordinate user creation and access so they can begin to use OneFlo with Order Lookup