OneFlo is Slow

OneFlo is Slow


OneFlo is not performing at an optimal speed


Check internet speeds

Please check a few things before contacting the customer support team:

Check the internet speed at https://www.speedtest.net/. OneFlo should be stable with any download speed of more than 5Mbps

Also, checking the location during a speed test will also give an idea of what could cause OneFlo to slow down. If the location of the server is not local, this may cause some issues with speeds.

If these indicate no internet issues, please provide screenshots to the customer service team when contacting them.

Check internal network speeds

Check with your internal IT department. There could be internal network issues that can cause OneFlo to slow down.

Please note

If there are multiple people using the internet at the same time, even if the speed test shows higher than the recommended, the internet can still be slow due to low bandwidth

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