OneFlo - Create Booking
How to create a booking in OneFlo
In OneFlo, in the left hand menu > click Bookings > Create Bookings. The page should look similar to the below image:
There are 3 fields that can be edited:
Pick Up Address
Where the freight needs to be picked up from, this will default to the users contact details. This can be edited by clicking on the Edit button in the top right of the box. Returns can be booked by editing this field.
Consignment Items
This is where you add the item details that are being shipped.
Fill out the booking details and click at the end of the line. Do this for each item to be sent.
Pick Up Requests
This is where the carrier is selected and the booking instructions are added. All fields in this section are mandatory.
The Ready At and Close At times must be an hour apart from each other.
Bookings can be booked in advance using the Bookings Date in this section.
Once these details are filled out, click Send Booking. You can check the booking status in Booking History