[DEPRECATED] 1) Preparing your Machine for SOAP Integration

[DEPRECATED] 1) Preparing your Machine for SOAP Integration


SOAP Web Calls can be done by numerous systems and procedures however when testing we do recommend using software designed to test SOAP API's quickly and easily


Use the WSDL and SoapUI to test your own Web Service Calls quickly and easily

  1. Download & Install SoapUI: https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui.html
  2. Open SoapUI
  3. Click “SOAP”: Create your own SOAP Web Service Calls From the WSDL provided.
  4. Enter the WSDL UAT URL: 

*SoapUI automatically configures call templates for you to test each call you may wish to make,

*SoapUI Is not required to perform Web Service Calls, however this can aid significantly in interpreting the WSDL and understanding the information requirements of each call.

Other Possible Applications

*Using non-SOAP specific applications will require additional Configuration to each call.


*It is possible to chain multiple requests using Postman