[DEPRECATED] 2) Freight Management SOAP API's

[DEPRECATED] 2) Freight Management SOAP API's


While we have numerous API's available for different integration purposes, Below are our recommended API's for integrating the END to END freight dispatch and management process. For quick navigation use the left hand menu to navigate to each respective API and learn how to perform each call.

Call Details

Web Service Call - Login


This call is required to retrieve a valid session. Valid session credentials are required for all subsequent API calls.


Web Service Call - FindLocation


Required/Useful to validate locations used in a Third Party System. Invalid locations used in the "SaveConsignment" call will fail if an invalid location is used. If Suburb and Postcode Validation is not performed in the source system, It is highly recommended that this call is used.

Web Service Call - GetChargeQuote3


This Web Service Call allows a third party application to retrieve a list of services and their associated estimated charges based on the parameters provided such as:

  1. Sending Location

Web Service Call - SaveConsignment


Create/Save a consignment within the OneFlo System. This information will be stored within OneFlo, for Label Generation, Manifesting and Booking. subsequent steps can be done Manually in the App or via API

Web Service Call - GenerateLabels


This Web Service Call allows a third party application to retrieve the labels associated to a consignment. The response is a Base64 encoded PDF file in a 4 in. x 6 in. label format.

In this instance I am making a call to GetChargeQuote in my uat environment through postman, 

Web Service Call - ReleaseSelectConsignments


Release the selected consignments to the Carrier, This also has the opportunity to generate a booking and manifest for the required carrier (Recommended)

In this instance I am making a call to GetChargeQuote in my uat environment through postman, Things I need to perform this call:

Web Service Call - GenerateManifest


This Web Service Call allows a third party application to retrieve the Physical manifests associated to the account. The input to this is the manifestID retrieved when calling the Web Service Call - ReleaseSelectConsignment. The response is a Base64 encoded PDF file in A4 format.

Web Service Call - ConsignmentTrackingSearch

Purpose:Make a request for the latest Scan Data on consignments in our system, allowing you to feed the most current carrier scan data into your system.

In this instance I am making a call to provide all information underneath a connote I require my Session credentials from my previous example to continue. This will allow me to perform future calls as this will provide me with "ConsignmentID"

Troubleshooting your Web Service Call

Error Types/Response

1) Could not get any response

Ensure you have confirmed that your end point matches required destination

Creating Chained Requests

It is possible to configure Postman to Chain Multiple Requests together in order to "Pass" Values from an earlier response into the Body of another call.


  1. Configure your collection

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