


OneFlo is capable of sending invoices at the end of your account's invoice cycle.

Invoice cycle is determined during the onboarding phase. Invoice cycles can be one of the following options:

  1. Weekly (default)
  2. Monthly
  3. Calendar Month


The invoice sent includes the consignment charges for the previous billing week (not the current week). If the invoice is generated at week 0, the consignments in that invoice would be for week-2.


During account onboarding, individuals from your organisation are nominated to receive invoices. Invoice copies are only sent via e-mail to the nominated individuals. These e-mails include:

  1. A PDF copy of your invoice 
  2. A CSV copy for uploading to your invoicing system


The files are available for download via OneFlo Portal under the Finance section of the left hand side menu.

Both CSV and PDF files can be downloaded.

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